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Our websites are available to all visitors, although some content and features are restricted to JM Speaker LLC employees or customers. Your privacy is important to us. We provide this notice to explain our online information practices.


Throughout JM Speaker LLC, there are forms for visitors to request information, products, and services. These forms may ask for contact information (such as your phone number or e-mail address), unique identifiers (usually your employee or customer number, if one is available), financial information (such as your credit card number), or demographic information (for example, your location, etc.). Contact information from these forms is used to provide the products, promotional materials, or services that you request. Forms on our site that request financial information do so in order to bill you for products or services ordered. Unique identifiers (specifically, your employee or customer number) are collected from website visitors to verify the user's identity for access to restricted content or services on the site..This Online Privacy Policy discloses JM Speaker LLC  privacy practices and contains detailed information about the following:

All products and services on JM Speaker LLC are made available subject to this Privacy Policy. By using the products and services, you agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed or to:
